On Smart Phones and Other Follies


Having a smart phone won’t make you smart. At least that came to my mind when the smart phone hype started a few years ago. At that time I was still using a Nokia 5800, and it lasted until last year when the camera button and volume rocker started to disintegrate, like petals from a withered rose. There were suggestions to get an iPhone or the latest Galaxy series from Samsung. In fact, it was tempting to acquire these and join the crowd. But is it worth the pain in the pocket? I don’t have anything against people lavishing themselves with expensive gadgets. It’s just that the gadget market has somewhat become awry with the latest phone that can do everything except make coffee, of course.

We have become a culture of zombies with phones on our hands. And the realization might sound like gross, but we really are. And I do not know what will humanity transform into in the coming years.

And yet, I celebrate this technology that has made our lives easier. Twenty years ago, it was way different. Kids had only TV (sometimes no cable) and NES to keep themselves busy during weekends. Now kids are glued to tablets, phones and other gadgets. Will it do good then? To what extent? While others are blatantly protesting against the use of smart phones during a meal, I tend to just ignore it. We are a humanity of changes. In every century, let alone decade, change has swept through the old, to give way to the new.

In this world, change is the salt which brings out the flavor in our existence.